-Written by Liu Mochizuki proud employee of Professional Bamboo Landscapers LLC- When I ask people what they know or think about bamboo, most of the time there are two possible outcomes. Either they fear and loathe it because it’s invading their backyard or love it because it looks pretty and gives off that oriental […]
It may be cheap and cheerful, but a picnic bench can give people a personal stake in an outdoor space, argues Emily Mangles...
We are all familiar with the beautiful yet brutal winter season that New Jersey endures. As early as an unexpected October dust to the unwanted late March blizzard, sometimes it feels as though the snow never goes away. Besides disruptions in our life and schedules, this northeast symptom can cause havoc on our landscapes, large […]
When you first think of bamboo you may think of beautiful Asian gardens or sturdy furniture, but for many unfortunate landowners in New Jersey this invasive species is taking over their homes and gardens and eradicating it may seem next to impossible. With this helpful guide we will share some of our top tips and […]
I had an interest in the great outdoors from a very young age. I can remember as a child watching mesmerised as hundreds of baby spiders...
You may have planted running bamboo because it looked great in the yard, but you may not have known how destructive it is. Or maybe you were misled by a landscaper who was not aware of the way it grows. Maybe your neighbor planted bamboo and now it is invading your property, now you wish […]